Scharf Law, P.C. Offers Comprehensive
Legal Representation

Prenuptial Agreements
A prenuptial agreement (commonly prenup) is a signed contract between two partners before marriage that dictates each spouse's property and financial entitlements in the event of a divorce.

Child Support
Child Support and Spousal Support (commonly Alimony) in most situations is a Court ordered payment from one parent or spouse another. Garnishment / IWO services are available.

Child Custody
When the well-being of a child is at stake, there's nothing more paramount than ensuring their best interests are safeguarded. Child Custody refers to both physical Custody (which parent the child lives with) and Legal Custody (decision making).

Restraining Orders
Restraining Orders relating to Domestic Violence, Elder Abuse, Civil Harassment, School and Workplace Harassment.

Representation throughout the adoption process, including, but not limited to De Facto Parent Status and Prospective Adoptive Parent application and designation.

Guardianship is a legal process where the Court appoints an adult, other than the child's parent to care of a child.

Estate Planning
We offer a wide variety of estate planning services which include Revocable Living Trusts, Wills, Health Care Directives, Power of Attorney, Probate Avoidance, and Notary Public Services.

Asset and Debt Division
In a Dissolution of Marriage (commonly Divorce) or a Legal Separation, property division is common. We ensure that the property division is occuring accurately. This includes credits and charges.

Divorce and Separation
The path to Legal Separation and Divorce can be both legally intricate and emotionally draining. Unlike a divorce, a legal separation does not end the marriage, but allows other possible benefits. A divorce may take longer than a separation.

Parentage Determination
Parentage determination is a legal process that establishes the legal parents of a child.

Juvenile Dependency
Juvenile dependency court handles cases of children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned by a parent or caregiver. The court decides if the allegations are true.

Appeals often times subject lower superior courts to review decisions and orders made.